Month: June 2018

Hana Highway and Happy Valley

The Hana Highway and Happy Valley


Here’s another excerpt from the upcoming Maui Wowee featuring the Hana Highway and Happy Valley, home to the Happy Valley Hui and two huge pakalolo plantations. But first, enjoy this image.


Hana Highway Bridge


Happy Valley, a hundred acres of isolated rainforest, had the potential for a massive crop. The property was off the Hana Highway, out past Huelo. If you’ve ever driven to Hana, you’ve crossed fifty-seven one-lane bridges. Some have little red dirt roads leading into the mountains next to them. You may have noticed them while waiting an hour for an oncoming train of tourists to cross a bridge, each rental car stopping in the middle to gawk, take pictures, and piss you off. The roads are owned by East Maui Irrigation, and all have a locked gate. They provide access to a vast system of concrete flumes that carry water from the rainforests of the North Shore to the cane fields in the central part of the island. Also, to an extremely well-hidden pakalolo plantation called Happy Valley.


With the property came a key to the EMI gate. A gate that eliminated, well, almost everyone else from the area. A hundred yards beyond the first, there was a second locked gate, this one blocking a driveway on the left. Fifty feet beyond the second gate, the driveway took a hairpin turn to the right and disappeared into thick foliage. From the highway, there wasn’t clue a residence might be hiding there.


“Welcome to Happy Valley,” said a smiling Ray on our previous visit.


I’d smiled right back. Talk about your private property. The nearest residence was Woodrose, fourteen acres of paradise where our friends Spider and Jenny lived, and we’d passed that ten miles ago. With the ocean a rugged half-mile downhill, and nothing but rainforest between us and the summit of Haleakala, I loved Happy Valley at first sight—and not just because of the waterfalls and swimming holes. With a location that sneaky, I had a good feeling about the place. Then again, a grower never really knew. Growing pot was like rolling dice; only they rolled for several months. The insecurity level ratcheted way up with Dr. Strangelove in the picture.


On the far side of the gate, the driveway wound its way downhill under an umbrella of massive trees with philodendron vines climbing up the trunks. The mango trees were as almost as big as the banyans and monkeypods. Under the trees: a wild variety of ferns and lush tropical plants with exotic flowers on them. And under those? About a jillion squiggly things I couldn’t see from the truck. Our new partners, the Professor and the Hulk had liked Happy Valley as well. Who wouldn’t? Anyone with a bug phobia, that’s who. A place like that? They were in the air, on the ground, crawling in the trees, and as I’d see, most of them wanted to bite me.


Reaching the valley floor, we drove into a clearing. There stood the Sloth’s toolshed. Don’t picture a toolshed, picture the kind of place a rich drug dealer might build: a two thousand square foot, tin-roofed Hawaiian-style house, raised on posts, it’s redwood walls painted green with white trim. Then add a big lanai and an amazing view. As there was no infrastructure (electricity, water, or sewage) along this part of the island, Maui County didn’t give out building permits. At least for homes. Clever hippies found a loophole involving toolsheds. After getting one approved, they’d modify the hell out of it—just like we did with the coffee shacks in Kona without approval. It’s not like the county inspectors, busy playing poker in Wailuku with the Vice Squad and Syndicate thugs, would be back to check.


Surrounded by a lawn and flowers, the house sat on a half-acre of cleared land just above the stream, overlooking a waterfall. A flock of peacocks roamed the yard, snacking on insects. Unlike the belligerent African geese that ruled my coffee farm in Kona, they didn’t attack me. I liked them better already. With the peacocks and all the flowers, kaleidoscopic Happy Valley could have posed for postcards. Although there was no beach in the front yard or sexy wahine on my arm, it was exactly the kind of place I’d spent my college years daydreaming about. For me, it was love at first sight. Then again, I hadn’t tried to sleep in a tin-roofed house where nervous peacocks danced all at night.


If you haven’t already read Breaking Good, the first book in the Senor Bueno Travel Adventure series and wanna see where Señor Bueno’s misadventures all started, grab a free copy of Breaking Good.


For a peek inside of Breaking Good (great images and fun story snippets) click here.

Trump and Putin Summit

The Trump and Putin Summit Meeting

Following the historical meeting between Donald Trump and his new good buddy Kim Jong Un, another mob boss/world leader type got jealous and Skyped me. Feeling left out, he wanted a Trump and Putin summit.

“Hello again, Señor Bueno.”

“Vladimir Putin? Haven’t heard from you lately. Lemme ask you something? Don’t you ever wear a shirt?”

“I like people to see my manly physique.”

“Well, I’m glad the Donald keeps his shirt on. I do not wanna see those man boobs. Jesus…”

“Really? I kind of like them myself. More to squeeze, you know what I mean?”

“Let’s change the subject. What’s up?”

“My anger, that’s what.”

“Ah, I get it. You’re pissed off about the Donald finding a new best friend in North Korea, aren’t you?”

“Da, you know we have a thing. I like a man who’s faithful. Who does as he’s told.”

At this point, Putin showed me a photo of Donald doing as he’s told:


Trump as Putin's loveslave


“Yeah, I know. Too bad he’s our President.”

“Not for me! That whole immigration crisis worked out just as planned.”

“Wait a second, you were behind that?”

Da. You think your president is evil enough to kidnap children?”

“I hate to say this, but yeah. I mean, he doesn’t have to listen to your advice.”

“If he wants to get re-elected he does. Of course, he’ll have to continue following my vision for our country.”

“What do you mean our country?”

“It’s only a matter of time.”

“What’s this vision?”

“To make Trump and the U.S. seem so deplorable, so despicable, that my policies seem benign. To speed things up, I’m making him fly to Helsinki.”

“A Trump and Putin summit? So, it’s not to make the world a better place?”

“Heh heh, depends if you’re a billionaire despot or not.”

“I’ll take that as a no. Are you inviting Kim Jong Un as well?”

“Hmm, are you suggesting a new Axis of Evil? I love it! Have you run it by the Donald yet?”

“What? No, I haven’t run it by the Donald.”

“In that case, I will. Thanks for the idea, Mikey. I’ll be sure to give you credit in the history books.”

“Please don’t do that. I was being sarcastic.”

“You don’t want to be infamous?”

“You kidding? I already am. I think you got the wrong impression from my comment about Kim.”

“It’s a matter of perspective, is it not? Anyway, don’t worry about me manipulating your president, you need to concentrate on your writing.”

“I would if you maniacs would quit Skyping me. On another note, I’d sleep a lot better if you guys would play nice with the world.”

“Playing nice is not what the Axis of Evil does. Enough about the Trump and Putin summit. Tell me, when is your next book coming out?”

Maui Wowee is coming soon!



Maui Wowee is coming out around Sept 1st, give or take.”

“Excellent. I can’t wait to join your Maui Wowee Launch Team!”

“Thanks. You really enjoyed Kona Gold, didn’t you?”

Da, thanks for sending it. That stuff is da kine, brah.”

“It sure is, but I meant my book.”

“Of course. I love all your books. Breaking Good got me hooked. You characters are quirky, your dialogue is hilarious, and best of all, you poke fun at your government, show them for the hypocrites they are. Heh heh, I’d like to see you try that here.”

“That’s exactly what Kim Jong Un told me. Then showed me a picture of his favorite anti-aircraft gun.”

“You have to love his style! To thank you for the Axis of Evil idea, I’ll force everyone in Russia to read Maui Wowee when it’s launched. Of course they’ll have to give up food that week for the privilege, but imagine how many reviews you’d get.”

“I’m not sure they’d be good. A few million one-star reviews will not get me out of a jam with Jeff Bezos.”

“What’s his beef with you?”

“Aw, he’s pissed I give so many books away. Wants me to sell them so he can his cut. I guess 100 billion isn’t enough for him.”

“Well, I do owe you a favor or two. You want me to, ahem, do something about Bezos? I could have his rocket explode, something like that.”


“Just let me know. Donald would also appreciate it.”

“Because Jeff kidnapped Melania?”

“No, because of the Post Office thing.”

“Ah, right. On second thought, you better not.”

“Your such a pacifist.”

“That’s me. Do me a favor, Vlad. Don’t do me any favors. Not unless it involves not sending that new Super Nuke our way.”

“Too late, you already said no favors.”

Oh boy, I guess we’ll all have to cross our fingers and hope for the best from the Trump and Putin summit. Considering how the Great Negotiator did with a deranged Third World tyrant, things don’t look great for the U.S. or the rest of the free world.

If you haven’t already grabbed a free copy of Breaking Good and seen what the world leaders read in their spare time, what are you waiting for? Before long, it might be too late.

Grab a free copy of Breaking Good, right  here, right now.

For a fun peek inside Breaking Good, click here.

Haleakala Sunrise

Haleakala Sunrise


Our group met at five in the morning for a famous Haleakala sunrise at the Sliding Sands trailhead. You wanna enjoy the full experience, you gotta do you’ll hate. For instance, getting up in the middle of the night. Then, depending where you’re staying, drive across the island before winding your way up Haleakala Highway, hoping not to fly off a hairpin corner. The good news? You get to see a universe of stars fade with the first faint glow on the horizon, followed by a sky full of gold, rose, orange, and crimson. Maybe. It’s just as likely that your once in a lifetime view is obscured by thick clouds and the fabulous Haleakala Sunrise is like an overcast morning in Siberia. Only colder. You think to yourself: I should’ve stayed in bed. But on clear mornings, you feel as if you’re watching the world wake up. So getting there early is the smart move. Ask any guidebook.


The first thing you think when getting out of your vehicle is, “Jesus Christ, how could it be this cold on Maui?”

Shivering like an epileptic in the tropics? What was smart or enjoyable about that? Oh, people warn you, “It’s a little nippy; bring a sweater.”

A sweater? Ha. You need a parka and long underwear, and then, several more parkas. Huskies visit to escape the Arctic heat.

“Haleakala Sunrise, is this cool or what?” said Ray.

“S-s-s-o c-c-cool,” I lied through chattering teeth, holding two frozen thumbs up.

As I waited for the sky to change colors and the demigod Maui to hurry the hell up and lasso the sun, I turned numb with impatience. At ten thousand feet, losing an average of three degrees per thousand feet, it’s only thirty degrees colder at the top of Maui than at the beach. At least that’s what they tell you. Don’t believe them. It feels about a hundred degrees colder and no one ever has enough warm clothing on. Sometimes that’s a good thing. Like when the unrequited love of my life Leilani (Miss June 1971-1977 in the Girls of Hawaii calendar) showed up in cut-off jeans, a t-shirt, and prominent nipples. Was she glad to see me, or what? (The smart money bet on or what.) She had a watermelon, probably frozen, in her backpack.

She was standing at the crater rim, looking down. Sexy as a penguin, I waddled over to put on the moves. “H-h-howzit, L-l-leilani. Let me get a photo of you.”

Hearing the quiver of my sexy voice, she danced away from the rim. She seemed so graceful . . .so scared.

“Don’t sneak up on me like that.”

“Jeez, it’s not like I’m gonna push you off.”

“Is that what you said to Peter?”

There’d been a misunderstanding during a hike. Specifically, when I patted Peter on the back atop a knife-like ridge and sent him over the edge. Fortunately, an outcropping saved him from certain death and me from murder charges.

“What? No.”

“Oh, that’s right. You didn’t warn him, did you?”

I sighed. My seduction of the gorgeous Miss June was off to a rocky start, but within minutes, sun rays painted clouds and the misery of an early start faded with my goosebumps. Looking into the vast crater from the top of Sliding Sands, I could see all these cinder cones, some a striking ocher color, others gray like ash. They looked kinda sneaky, and I wondered if they were really asleep or just playing possum. I put them next to cannibals on my list of things that wanted to cook me. But I was young and brave and what’s a hike through a volcano without the likelihood of imminent immolation?

Haleakala, in a word, was unworldly. No place to grow any pot (naturally, I checked), but still a killer view. You’d think you were on Mars. Our destination was Paliku Cabin, a nine-mile hike across the crater that ended near Kaupo Gap, where the southeast corner of Haleakala had eroded away. Clouds rolling up and over the gap from lush Kipahulu (one of the wettest places on the planet and home of the Seven Sacred Pools) would often invade that part of the crater, so it was green over there.

Ray pointed at the gap. “If we want to wreck our knees, we can hike down to the coast from here. Trust me, we don’t.”

Rather than a watermelon, I brought some of my best buds. There’d be ten of us. I figured for three nights and four days an ounce of pot should be enough. For me. Then again, I’d want to share. My travel stash philosophy was: Better too much than not enough. I’d learned that during a trip to Big Sur when still a college freshman. I’d vowed it wouldn’t happen again, so I grabbed another ounce. The other campers brought supplies of their own. Many of them mind-altering.

The Panda, perhaps the best-connected guy I’ve ever known, had dug into his vault and pulled out some vintage drugs for the trip: A bag of excellent Southeast Asian weed called Golden Voice. Some “special” LSD. (“Tim Leary wanted me to have it.”). Tim Leary wanted everyone to have it, but when Tim Leary gives you acid out of his personal stash, that makes it special. The Panda also had, let’s see, DMT, pure Peruvian flake, Cristal champagne (on ice), and, well, you get the idea. The classy Panda traveled in style. Meaning his wife Jewels worked like a sherpa to lug all their stuff. Heavy Chevy and Hagar had their own stashes. Chevy packed another vast array of collectibles: Afghani Primo, honey oil, Thai sticks… Hagar, a surfer and a stoner if not exactly a hippie, brought Wild Turkey, a surly attitude, and a gun. The ladies, knowing the men had the recreational supplies taken care of, hauled in the grinds. I’d brought my guitar. We were gonna party.

The Sliding Sands Trail

Horny, single, and harder to get rid of than herpes, I hiked with Leilani, whether she liked it or not. Man, were the other guys jealous. Or they would have been if Leilani showed any interest in me. Ray and I had eaten magic mushrooms to get in the proper hiking mode and I felt a spring in my step as we started out. The Sliding Sands trail switchbacks its scenic way down 3,000 vertical feet of barren cinder. I cut across a couple broad switchbacks wanting to get far enough ahead of the group for some photos.

As I did, my athletic left foot picked up speed. That didn’t bother me until my less athletic right foot snagged a rock. It wasn’t until I launched through the air that I grew concerned. But only for a moment. Then gravity saved me and slammed me face first into pointy lava before I could reach out my arms. Fortunately, my camera smashed into the rocks and cushioned my solar plexus like a metal fist. Losing my wind almost took my mind off the pain of my face bludgeoning pointy lava rocks. But not quite. The camera, perfectly positioned as a fulcrum, kept my diaphragm compressed, the better to squeeze any remaining breath out. Lying there stunned, with no feeling in my limbs, and unable to breathe, got boring. To make it more fun, I passed out. When I came to, I saw Leilani’s sexy feet encased in hiking boots. Ah, good, my angel of mercy had raced to rescue me. Any moment now, she’d turn me over and slip me some tongue of resuscitation.

She gave me a gentle prod with a boot. “Are you all right?”

I could only gasp.

“What was that?”

I made a motion with my hand: Turn me over.

“Can you speak up?”

More motions, weaker this time.

“We’re playing charades?”

A few feeble twitches. Then. . .nothing.

“How am I gonna guess when you’re not helping?” She seemed irritated by the dying man. “Wait a second, are you sure you’re okay?”

The irony of kacking while Leilani asked if I was okay was killing me.

Ray came up. “Why is he just lying there?”

“He won’t say.”

“Funny, usually you can’t shut the guy up.”

Out went the last of my air—or was that a death rattle?

“Uh oh,” said Ray. “I’m no doctor, but I’m not sure I like the sound of that.”

Through the gathering darkness, I heard my sweet angel ask, “Think we should turn him over?”

“I guess it can’t hurt,” said Ray as he flipped me onto my back.

Grateful for the gift of life, I sucked in enough air to fill a blimp. Leilani checked out my handsome face.

“Jesus, Ray, flip him back.”

Guess she didn’t like gushing blood and open wounds. I couldn’t blame her, neither did I.

“Give him a break, Leilani,” said Ray. “The guy threw himself into a volcano for you. What more do you want?”

Lying on the ground, I gave Ray two pathetic thumbs up, as if I’d done it on purpose. Anything for Miss June.

Leilani shrugged. “He’s still alive, isn’t he?”

All right, almost anything. To win the hard-to-please girl of my dreams I’d have to kill myself. That seemed a little extreme. Even then, it might not be enough. How hideous was I? I felt around, noticed my nose was not in its usual place. Neither was my skin.

Doctor Flower arrived and got out her herbal remedies. Her potions would heal me, but I swear to God, getting them down? It was murder.

“Let me rinse that gushing blood away,” said Nurse Flower, trying to cheer me up, “and I’m sure you’ll look a little . . .yeck.”

Oh my God,” shrieked Leilani.

Holy shit,” said the guys, turning away.

I appreciated their efforts, but not a one of them cheered me up.

“You’re lucky I brought my first aid kit,” said Flower when she finished gagging.

She pulled out a scalpel, scissors, sewing thread, and a hammer.

I pointed a bloody finger at the hammer. “What’s that for?”

“Just hold him still, Ray,” said Flower. She put something astringent on my face.


“Pussy,” chided Ray. “You act like you’ve never enjoyed sulfuric acid before.”


“He’s just kidding, Mikey,” said Nurse Flower. “It’s paint thinner mixed with cayenne pepper.”


“Jesus, take it easy,” said Ray. “Where’s your sense of humor?”

“I left it somewhere with my face.”

“Okay now,” said Flower, “just relax while I gouge the pumice out of these abrasions.”

Stop. . .’


“It’s just that you’re killing me.”

“I think it’s time for the anesthetic, Ray,” said compassionate Doctor Flower, pointing at the hammer. “I can’t take any more of his sniveling.”


If you haven’t read Breaking Good, the first novel in the Senor Bueno Travel Adventure series, grab it now! Just click the link to join my mailing list and get a Free Copy as well as updates on my other books. I promise, No Spam, only fun stuff.

Here’s your Free Copy of Breaking Good.

For a peek inside Breaking Good (beautiful images and funny blurbs) click here.

Trump Ends Family Separation

Trump Ends Family Separation

“See the headlines, Mikey? President Trumps Ends Family Separation. That’ll teach those Democrats not to make me lock children up.”

I’m paraphrasing, as usual, ’cause Donny’s lawyers get pissed off when the truth comes out. Even threaten to sue. Still, I’ll try to recall the gist of it.

“Well, I’m glad to hear it. I never know if you’ll take my advice or not.”

“My policy makers never agree with you, but when I saw those videos of crying babies, I thought: This doesn’t make me look good.”


“Come on, Donald, admit it, they touched your heart, didn’t they?”

“They sure did. When I saw my poll numbers plummeting, I damn near had an attack. In a rare moment of clarity, I realized Trump Ends Family Separation plays better than Trump Worse Than Nixon.”

“You zipped right past George W. Bush, didn’t you?”

“Not to brag, but I’m the fastest president in the universe. The most presidential, too. Except maybe Lincoln, but he cheated.”

“Cheated? By freeing the slaves?”

“No, by getting assassinated. I’m much better looking, so I’d win if someone killed me.”

“I’m sure that could be arranged. In fact, I know a guy…”

“Good one.”

“Well, give it some thought. Meanwhile, congratulations on changing your mind. In a good way, for once. How about taking some of the other advice I’ve been giving you and get rid of Stephen Miller. That is not the Gangster of Love I remember. He makes Ted Nugent seem humane. And what about this Corey Lewandowski guy? He “whomp whomped” a Down’s Syndrome kid separated from her parents. Jesus Christ, talk about heartless. And what the hell is whomp whomp, anyway? Then you have Kirstjen Nielsen, the shameless face of Homeland Security echoing that racist maniac Jeff Sessions before dining in a Mexican restaurant. Talk about balls. Can you imagine the “secret sauce” the cook put in her meal?”

“They make rabid skunks seem nice, but they’re loyal as…”

“Rabid pitbulls?”

“Heh heh. Like I told you, any time you want to join my cabinet…”

“No way, Donald, you know I’m not political. Now on a personal level, we both hate Jeff Sessions. At least do something about that guy.”

“You mean call that guy you know?”


Federal Legalization of Marijuana


“No, man, I’m a pacifist. There are other ways to deal with him.”

“I do owe you another favor, don’t I?”

“You mean for bringing Melania back from Outer Space with Jeff Bezos?”

“Among other things that I’d like to keep quiet. Would it help if I bought a hundred thousand copies of Maui Wowee when you release it?”

“Yeah, it would help. I’d be Amazon’s #1 Bestseller…until Jeff Bezos found out it was you. But you don’t have to bribe me to keep quiet, I’m no snitch. Just do the right thing. For instance, an executive order calling for federal legalization of marijuana.”

“That would piss off Little Jeff.”

“It’s also the right thing to do.”

“I’ll give it some thought. We can talk about it at Mar al Lago next time we play.”

I’m glad to have helped resolve that crisis, and I’ll keep plugging away on behalf of America’s personal liberties. If you’d like to see where my philanthropic ways began, please grab a free copy of Breaking Good, the hilarious first novel in the Senor Bueno Travel Adventure Series, and watch me try to make the world a better place.


Grab a Free Copy of Breaking Good

For a peek inside Breaking Good, click here.





President Trump and Kim Jong Un Meet in Singapore

President Trump and Kim Jong Un

Everyone is talking about President Trump and Kim Jong Un and their historic meeting in Singapore. Especially President Trump. He called me to gloat about it as soon as he got on Air Force One. His handlers won’t let me tape our conversations anymore, so I’ll try to recall our talk.

But first, a picture of President Trump and Kim Jong Un enjoying a dirty joke.


“See me kicking ass in Singapore, Mikey? President Trump and Kim Jong Un, talk about a mismatch. That’s your president making America great again!”

“Well, I saw you on TV, but I don’t remember any ass kicking. Unless it was yours getting kicked by Kim Jong Un. At least that’s what the media tells me.”

“Don’t listen to that fake news.”

“What do you mean? I never watch Fox.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

“I know. Tell me again about the ass kicking.”

“Didn’t Kim promise to think about maybe denuclearizing North Korea sometime in the vague future if I did everything he wanted?”

“See? That’s what I’m talking about. A meeting between President Trump and Kim Jong Un was a chance for you to show off your negotiating skills. With you being the greatest negotiator of all time and all, America was hoping for something concrete. Not a president who was honored to meet a brutal dictator.”

“All right, he runs his country tough, I’ll give you that. But the people love him. You see the fervor. He’s talented and he’s funny.”


“He tells a joke? The entire country laughs. How come Americans aren’t that loyal to me?”

“Oh, I think plenty of Americans are laughing at you. But not because they’re happy. Same as the citizens of North Korea, only without the death penalty.”

“I’m working on that.”

“Oh boy… Lemme ask you something, Donald. How come you called off the war games with South Korea without advising South Korea or our own military?”

“Oh, that was a spur of the moment thing, a favor for Supreme Leader Kim. You know me, I go by touch, by feel.”

“That’s what Stormy tells me. Wait a second, you didn’t grab Kim by the pussy, did you?”

“What’s a reach around between good friends?”

“Sorry I asked. I gotta tell ya, Donald, the press hears you handed Kim a huge political coup on a whim, they’re gonna make you look even worse. And that is really saying something.”

“Between you and me, Vlad gave me the idea.”

“Putin suggested it?”

“I get some of my best ideas from him. Or haven’t you noticed?”

“Oh yeah, I’ve noticed. I think everyone not a Republican has. What is going on? Are you three forming a new Axis of Evil or something?”

“You mean because I picked a fight with the G-7? Alienated all our closest allies while praising up some of the worst regimes on the planet?”

Making America feel safe.

“Well, yeah. Whatever happened to making America feel safe?”

“Don’t worry about Canada. I’m building a wall up there, too. And they’ll pay for it.”

“I meant safe from Kim, not from Trudeau.”

“I knew in the first minute Kim was honorable and trustworthy. But Trudeau, with his perfect hair and those bizarre eyebrows? What’s going up with those?”

“Let’s focus on Kim.”

“Hey, I could be wrong. Not that I’ll ever admit it.”

“I don’t know how you can call Kim any more trustworthy than people call you. Both of you are infamous for breaking deals.”

“And yet we’re both in charge. Funny how that works, isn’t it?”

“It’s more ironic than funny.”

“You make a point. Who knows with Little Rocket Man? He might have a whim of his own and nuke South Korea. Would that be so bad? Think of the money we’ll save not having to defend them.”

“Yes, it would. Plus, he might not stop there.”

“So? Let him take out California. That’d teach Jerry Brown not to be so progressive. Also, wipe out a lot of illegal aliens. You know they’re all rapists and murderers…”

“Let’s get back on track. Did you accomplish anything but give Kim a complete victory?”

“I don’t like to brag, but if I did, I’d be the best ever.”

“Get to the point.”

“Sure, how this? I’ve personally ended the nuclear threat from North Korea. Everyone can sleep at night now. Not like when Obama was president. And if the ungrateful America people want something more concrete than peace of mind, how about a glamorous new Trump Tower in Ping Pong?”


You know what I mean. They’ve got some great beaches there. You ever watch a sunset with rockets blasting overhead? I can market the shit out of that to Bolton and his crowd. You want a time share? I do owe you something.”

“For what?”

“Well, we didn’t push any buttons, did we? I know you were worried about that.”

“Well, that’s something, but I’d trade a time share in North Korea for a signed deal to denuclearize in a heartbeat.”

“Hey, I was only there one day. These things take time.”

“You couldn’t extend your trip?”

“Not if I wanted to make our tee time.”

“What tee time?”

“Didn’t Jared call you? We’re playing with Vlad and Jongy at Mar al Lago this weekend. I know you love riding with me, but this time you get to ride with the Supreme Leader. Talk about flatulence. It’s no wonder he’s got a toilet in his limo.”

“No way, Donny. Not the way you cheat.”

“But the Supreme Leader wants to talk about legalizing pot.”

“He does?”

“After reading Breaking Good, his worldview widened.”

“Even so…”

“I thought you were all concerned with world peace.”

“I am.”

“Then you better be on Air Force Two in time for match.”

Aw, man, what I do for my country. Still, it’s good to know my writing may be saving the world from nuclear destruction…even if my books aren’t selling. At least I’m big in North Korea, where the Supreme Leader has given everyone a copy. Not that they can read English, but it was a nice gesture.

If you haven’t read Breaking Good, click here and grab a Free Copy right now!

To look inside Breaking Good, click here.


What Secrets Lurk in Kim Jong Un’s Personal Toilet

What Secrets Lurk in Kim Jong Un’s Personal Toilet?

Now that’s an intriguing headline. After seeing an article titled What Secrets Lurk in Kim Jong Un’s Personal Toilet, and I couldn’t resist reading the article. Or calling the Supreme Leader to find out. I mean, who wouldn’t want to know what secrets lurk in Kim Jong Un’s personal toilet? Me, for one. Probably you and anyone else not seriously twisted. Still, the question needed to be answered.

Which brings us to the U.S. government…let me explain. Or better yet, let Kim Jong Un tell you himself what secrets lurk in his personal toilet.


“Supreme Leader? You’re looking happy.”

“Ah, Señor Bueno. Nice of you to call and congratulate me.”

“That’s not really why I called. You busy or should I call back?”

“I’m just adjusting the sights on my anti-aircraft gun. Got a little purge going over here, but I’m never too busy to talk to you. After your help with the Donald, you’re like Dennis Rodman to me.”

“As long as I don’t have to dress or act like him.”

“Heh heh, there’s only one Dennis Rodman. To celebrate my political triumph, I’m giving all North Koreans a copy of Breaking Good and a bowl of rice.”

“I wish the Donald would do the same. At least with my book.”

“It’s the least I could do.

“Well, don’t give me too much credit.”

“Are you kidding? You may have stopped a world war. Who knows what would have happened if Donald and I didn’t behave ourselves. I think that deserves a little credit.”

“Thanks, Jongy. I did ask him not to start a thermonuclear war, but I never know if he’ll pay attention. Same problem his staff has.”

“I don’t have that problem here. Someone doesn’t pay attention to me? Heh heh, well, you know what happens.”

“I sure do. I think Donald would like to do the same thing to the press and the democrats, but we’ve got checks and balances here.”

“You sure about that? Seems he says and does whatever he wants.”

“That’s true. Crazy, huh? I guess we’ll see what happens if he goes on a murder spree.”

“I already know what will happen. Fox News will say it’s justified, that it’s Obama’s fault, and Donald’s followers will go along.”

“You’re probably right. I’ve got a question for you.”

“About my stunning performance on the world stage? Or how I got the most powerful leader in the world to come to me? About how he was honored to meet me? About how I got the “great negotiator” to give up war games with South Korea and gave him nothing but vague promises in return? How I have the better hair…”

“Nah, that’s not why I called. What the people here want to know is what secrets lurk in Kim Jong Un’s personal toilet.”

My feces are a state secret.

“Sorry, Mikey, my feces are a state secret, which is why I have soldiers guarding them.”

“Yeah, I saw a picture with the article. It showed an armed guard. Some career he’s got.”

“It’s an honor for him.”

“I’m sure he brags about it to friends. I gotta tell ya, I’ve never heard someone traveling with a personal toilet.”

“Not just one personal toilet. And if you ever took a dump in a North Korean rest stop, you’d want your own personal toilet, too.”

“You’re probably right about that. How many do you have, anyway?”

“Let’s see…I have an emergency commode in the backseat of my limo. Then there’s a designated toilet car in my motorcade, plus an all-terrain one that we tow for emergencies.”

“So, three shitters?”

“That’s just in the motorcade.”

“How often do you poop?”

“You wouldn’t believe it.”

“What’s up with that?”

“You’ve seen me. You don’t get this corpulent without eating a lot.”

“But you even brought one to Singapore. I’ve been there and that’s a clean place.”

“I must be vigilant. So must the armed guards who protect my toilets.”

“But why?”

“Because your government wants my poop.”


“They’re looking for state secrets.”

“Or else, you’re just paranoid.”

“Funny you should say that. That’s what the people standing in front of my anti-aircraft gun thought. I’m about to prove them wrong.”

“I take it back.”

“I thought you might.”

And there you have it. I didn’t get the details, but I can assure the secrets lurking in Kim Jong Un’s personal toilet are dirty ones.

Stay tuned for the Donald’s spin on the Korean Summit.

Meanwhile, have you read my books yet? If not,see what my fans in North Korea are raving about. Or would be if they could read English.

Grab a free copy of Breaking Good and have some laughs!

For a look inside Breaking Good, click here.



Golfing with The Donald and the First Chapter of Maui Wowee

I’m posting today with a link to the first chapter of Maui Wowee, the next book in the Senor Bueno Travel Adventure series, but let me tell you about my golf date with the Donald. With the historic meeting between President Trump and fellow maniac Kim Jong Un looming, I was surprised to be golfing with the Donald at Mar al Lago the other morning. Still, how could I turn down the Donald’s request for advice? Especially with the North Korean summit coming up. With John Bolton calling for the “Libya Option,” Donny needed someone sensible riding in his golf cart. I’ll try to recall our conversation on the course.

“I appreciate the invite, Donny. The course is looking good.”

“Thanks. So is the first chapter of Maui Wowee.”

“You read it?”

“Heh heh, no. Your nemesis Jeff Sessions read it to me. Once again, you got him really steamed up.”

“It’s not hard to do. The man does not like me.”

“Here’s your chance to take some money off that spineless traitor. Scott Pruitt’s riding with Sessions. They’re both hackers. We’ll clean up. First, take my picture so your readers can revel in my form.”


With the Donald as my partner, winning was guaranteed. The guy cheated more than Nixon, and that’s really saying something. Still, I wasn’t stoked.

“Aw, man, we gotta play with Sessions and Pruitt? They make me putt everything out.”

“What’s the problem? You’re on my team and I give myself everything inside six feet. Anyone complains, I’ll have the Secret Service taser them.”

“Yeah, no kidding.” I’d learned that lesson the hard way.

“See how I dissed Little Jeff at the cabinet meeting? Praised the rest of those madmen and barely mentioned my Attorney General.”

“I did, but on the other hand, I did not like you praising that son of a bitch Scott Pruitt. That asshole hates the environment and you put him in charge of the E.P.A.”

“I keep telling you, Mikey, that global warming business is fake news. Let me ask you something. Does it not still snow in the winter?”

“Look, Donald, ignorance of what’s going in the world is one thing, but outright corruption is another.”

“You mean about collusion with Putin? I’ll have Michael Cohen write you a check.”

“No. I’m talking about Pruitt, not your collusion with the Russians.”

“Whew, good. What about him?”

“Don’t get me started, ’cause I won’t finish till after the round. How can you ignore the dozens of scandals Pruitt’s been involved with? And that’s just this week…”

“I’m not ignoring his behavior. I just had my staff notify him not to abuse the White House dining room. That cheapskate ordered his own table. On my tab. Destroying the planet is one thing, but running up my tab? I don’t think so.”

“What is it with your cabinet and tables? Ben Carson spent 131 g’s of taxpayer money because his old table was dangerous?”

“I’ve got some real crackpots, don’t I? They almost make me look good.”

“Enough about those guys, what about Kim Jong Un? You feeling prepared for the big summit.”

“I think I’m very well prepared. I think I don’t have to prepare much.”

“Wait…you just contradicted yourself.”

“So? Nothing unusual about that.”

“Usually you wait a day.”

“I like to keep people off balance. It’s all about attitude, and mine is belligerent. If Little Rocket Man doesn’t bend and over and spread ’em, I’ll go in the hard way.”

“What do you mean, the hard way?”

“I think–I think for me, nuclear…the power, the devastation is very important to me.”

“Oh boy, that’s what you meant. Either that or, well… The trouble is, Kim Jong Un feels the same way. You two guy gotta chill out.”

“What do suggest?”

“You need to get together, bust out a doobie of my Maui Wowee, and bury the hatchet.”

“Hmm, bury the hatchet, huh? Sounds like fun, but I think I’d rather nuke him. Why have toys like that if you’re not going to use them, right, Mikey?”

“Wrong, Donald. By bury hatchet, I meant make peace, not war. Read the first chapter of Maui Wowee if you need reminding how uncool war is. Even without nukes, the ridiculous war on marijuana was a real buzzkiller. Still is in most places.”

“Well, we’ll see how it goes. You know me, I like to go by my guts. And if it doesn’t go my way? I’ll take my bomb and go home. Then I’ll climb into my bomb shelter and send it back, heh heh…”

And I remember when George W. Bush seemed bad. Actually, he still does, but everything is relative. Even Nixon’s ghost is thinking, “Finally, someone more out there than me!”

By the back nine, kicking the shit out Jeff Sessions and Scott Pruitt, something I enjoyed, the Donald lightened up, seemed to give my advice some thought. We can only hope he remembers it if and when the summit occurs in Singapore.

Click here to read the First Chapter of Maui Wowee and have some laughs.

If you haven’t read my stuff, grab a free copy of Breaking Good and start the fun.



Melania Trump calls from Outer Space

I’ve been having a blast revising the upcoming Maui Wowee for you and laughing out loud as I do. If you’ve been to Maui, you’ll recognize a lot of the scenes in my story. And if you like my writing, you’re gonna love this book.

I’ll be posting excerpts from the book and enticing images of Maui. I planned to start today, but I just got a call from Melania Trump, and since everyone is wondering why she hasn’t been seen in three weeks, I felt it only fair to share what I know. Our connection was sketchy, so I’ll have to do my best with her end of the call.



“Hi, Mikey. Long time, no see.”

I couldn’t see her face, but I liked what I could see,and I’d recognize that accent anywhere.

“Howzit, Melania. People have been saying the same thing about you. No one has seen you in three weeks. Are you okay.? I know you had that kidney thing.”

“I’m not just okay, I’ve never been better.”

“That’s great. There have been a lot of questions.”

“Oh, really? Has my husband been calling? I know he suspects us after we, well, you know what I mean.”

“He’s been calling, but not about you. Are you sure he knows you’re gone?”

After a sigh, Melania said, “Someone in his staff has probably mentioned it by now.”

“Well, I wanna know where you are. Also, why you’re wearing that sexy astronaut outfit. So does the rest of America. Give me a scoop I can share with my readers.”

“Fine. Tell everyone I can’t take it anymore. I’ve run away.”


“Yes, and tell my husband I’m with a better billionaire.”

“Aw man, he won’t like that.”


“If I tell him that, he’ll ask who you’re with and where you are.”

“Let me look out the window. Right now we are over the Sea of Tranquility.”

“But…that’s on the moon.”

“That’s right, Mikey,” said a much deeper, self-satisfied voice.

“Jeff Bezos? Is that you?”

“Well, it’s not that slacker Elon Musk. He’s only got twenty billion.”

“Right. He’s a veritable pauper.”

“Exactly, and Melania only wants the best billionaire. Which is why she’s with me on my spaceship. Also, because I kidnapped her.”

“Not that I put up any fight,” said Melania. “Not after Jeff showed me his tax returns. Something Donald refused to do.”

“I’ll teach that orange-haired tyrant to mess with Amazon. Who does he think he is?”

“He’s the unhinged guy who can have your spaceship shot out of the sky, that’s who he is.”

“Oh, shit, you’re right. Hey, you won’t tell him, will you?’

“Gee, I don’t know…what’s it worth to you?”

“Name a number. I’m prepared to be generous.”

“Okay. Fifty billion in unmarked bills.”

“Not that number.”

“I’m just kidding, Jeff. I’m no rat. That’s against the outlaw code.”

“Whew, good. I owe you one, Señor Bueno. Let me cut you a check for a billion. Is that enough?”

“Please, Jeff, I can’t take your money for being honorable. That’s also against the code.”

“You’ve gotta let me do something nice for you.”

,”In that case,why don’t you make the upcoming Maui Wowee a number one best-seller when it comes out.”

“Come on, Señor Bueno. I may be the richest man ever born, but I can’t perform miracles.”

So, there you have it. Melania will soon be back from outer space, and I’ll still be an unknown author counting on you to help my books become cult classics. Sorry for the pressure, but God knows they won’t go mainstream. In fact, t’ll take some cool and helpful people to make the cult thing happen. If that sounds like you, make sure to join my upcoming Maui Wowee Launch Team and get a free ARC. I’ll let you know in a future post, so stay tuned.