Turning On is alive, free, and ready to crack you up.


Also, make you think a little bit.


But mostly, it’s ready to make you laugh and take you on a fun historical trip back to another time of political upheaval. . .the Nixon years. I know, scary, right? Don’t worry, it’s not a horror story, though without a certain anti-hero, ahem, it sure would’ve been. Read Turning On and see what I mean. You can thank me later.




A madman in the White House. . .


A war in Vietnam. . .


And on campus, the only marijuana was seeded Mexican. Someone had to do something.


Why did it have to be Mike Good? No hero, he’d have been happy to graduate without getting killed marching for Peace.


But when he learns of Uncle Dick’s (AKA: President Nixon) diabolical plot to destroy Communism while getting rich quick, Mike is forced to take action.


If not, it won’t be just the commies who disappear.


In Turning On, the hilarious prequel to the Señor Bueno Travel Adventure series, Mike, avid surfer/mild-mannered revolutionary/wanna be rock star, turns on, tunes in, and plots against the government.


Not to mention, runs afoul of professors, guidance counselors, theater critics, music critics, frat rats, porn directors, picky women, the Black Student Union, the National Guard, Governor Reagan, the CIA, and of course, President Nixon.


Can an underdog armed only with a quick wit, a sarcastic tongue, and no common sense, find time for fun while saving the world? Not if the authorities have anything to say about it.


If you like sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll, irreverent humor, and laughing out loud, you’ll love Turning On.


As the prequel to Breaking Good, the first book in the Señor Bueno Travel Adventure series, I am making Turning On a perma-free book. First, I save the world (twice), and now I’m giving away books. Who could ask for more from an author?

If you like laughing out loud while you read, you gotta check out Turning On.


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